23 Best Fonts for Blogging to Make Your Blog Look Amazing

Sep 24, 2023

If you want to find the right font for your blog, you’re in the right place.

Using a great font combo along with the right sizes and typeface combos can increase your reader engagement and make your brand feel more aligned.

But with tools like Google and Adobe fonts that provide a plethora of typefaces for free, how do you choose?

Well, I’ve got the experience to help you out. I’ve been blogging in some form for 2 decades, starting as a teenager when Livejournal was still popular and MySpace was a new thing. (In fact, that’s where I began learning HTML.) And since then, I’ve worked on a plethora of websites to help optimize them, get them found, and publish new high quality content.

In this post, we’ll cover some of my favorite blogging fonts (and exactly how to use them) to create a professional, high-quality looking blog that keeps your readers glued to each post. 

Why You Need a Great Blog Font

Don’t judge a book by its cover, they say. But that’s hard to do when you land on a website, and right away the pages are hard to read! This is why your typography and design choices are so important across your blog.

It can be tempting to take the sassy, stylish route for your blog. But I recommend sticking with a font that’s easy to read and keeps your blog’s target audience in mind, no matter if you’re an experienced blogger who can write posts super quickly, or you’re looking to start a new blog.

Great blog typography can:

  • Improve your reader engagement

  • Emphasize your blog’s brand and feel

  • Reduce your bounce rate

  • Help you stand out from other bloggers

16 Best Fonts for Blogging Websites

In this section, I’ll cover the best Google fonts for your main content – meaning your paragraphs and most of your other content. Your main content needs to be a simple font that isn’t too stylized, that way your readers can read the bulk of your content easily.

Why use a Google font? They are free to use, so anyone can use them. And if your blog needs to stay GDPR compliant, you can download them and upload them directly to your website so that you’re not using the Google fonts API. 

Adobe fonts are another great choice, but not everybody has free access. So without further delay, here are the best Google fonts for blogging, that will make your blog gorgeous and easy to read.

  1. DM Sans

  2. Work Sans

  3. Maven Pro

  4. Epilogue

  5. Open Sans

  6. Source Sans Pro

  7. Lato

  8. Vollkorn

  9. Poppins

  10. Lora

  11. Nunito

  12. Roboto

  13. Verdana

  14. Montserrat

  15. Raleway

  16. Tahoma

  17. Oxygen

Best Blog Heading Fonts

Okay, you’ve got your easy-to-read blogging font picked out for your main content. But what about headings? Yes, you can use a different font for your main blog text and your headings, including script fonts, handwritten fonts, and display fonts.

Headings break up your content and make your blog posts more visually pleasing and engaging. Your blog post headings are shorter, punchier phrases in a larger font size. This means they can be snazzier and more stylish, because they’ll still be easy to read. Feel free to use a decorative font here, maybe with a more standout font style, as long as it’s still readable.

I recommend choosing one to two heading fonts for your blog, to keep your style consistent and beautiful. 

Here are some of the best heading fonts for blogs:

  1. Oswald

  2. Lobster

  3. Playfair Display

  4. Courier Sans

  5. Exo 2

  6. Merriweather

Where to Find Completely Unique Blogging Fonts

Alright, let’s say you’re bored with seeing the same Google fonts everywhere, and you want a completely unique look and feel for your blog.

My best recommendation in that case is to purchase a font licensefor a custom font from a place like CreativeMarket.com or an Adobe subscription.

Fewer people have access to these fonts, so your blog will look more unique and professional than other blogs. But keep in mind the services you use for other marketing materials, such as Canva or Google Drive, may not have those fonts available for you to use. You can always find a similar font that looks close enough, if you’re okay with this. Or you can import your completely custom font into a more advanced design software like Photoshop. 

Just follow the same rules I recommend for every blog’s typography.

How to Use These Fonts On Your Blog

Installing and using these fonts will depend on the website platform your blog uses.

Most blogs are hosted on WordPress, and usually on WordPress, the exact process for adding your custom fonts will depend on what theme you’re using.

I currently recommend and use Kadence, and they make it very easy to add any Google Font you want to use. 

Squarespace also integrates directly with Google Fonts and Adobe Typekit, so you can connect and begin using the font you want natively using the Squarespace dashboard.

Just remember to keep GDPR rules in mind. Google Fonts are not GDPR compliant, but you can download the exact Google Font you’d like to use and upload it directly to your blog, so you’re not relying on the non-compliant API.

Blog Typography Best Practices

Here are my recommendations to make sure that no matter what fonts you choose, your website will be easy to read and styled well. These rules are very generalized and can, of course, be customized for your blog and your preferences.

  • Use one main, simple font for your main body text

  • Avoid script fonts and handwriting fonts for your main body text

  • Use one to two fonts for your heading text

  • Set your main body text to a minimum of 16px

  • Use a line height between 1.2em and 1.4em

  • Remember to personally preview your pages on both desktop and mobile, and adjust your fonts for each device accordingly so that your font choices look great on all devices

Have any other blog typography tips that I missed? Please post them in the comments. And don’t forget to check out these other posts you might like:

By Hannah Martin

Hannah is a long-time SEO expert and website marketing strategist. She has been optimizing websites since 2010, and was previously VP of Operations at an SEO agency before starting her own SEO and web design business in 2016. She has worked with brands like Beyond Yoga, Gerber Childrenswear, Sanctuary Clothing, and dozens of small independent businesses helping them improve their SEO and build websites that work to grow their business. She's a Wordpress geek, Squarespace Circle member, and now shares her knowledge with others at TheSEOKitchen.com.