ShowIt SEO Overview

Aug 25, 2023

ShowIt is one of the newer website platforms on the block. If building a website were a cooking show, then Showit would be the drag-and-drop version of a gourmet meal. And sure, their layouts and full customization control are beautiful and exciting, and those aspects seem to draw most users to the platform. But more importantly, is Showit SEO friendly? Can it actually help you grow your business and get found in search engines? 

That’s what I’ll explore in today’s post. Read on to learn more. 

What Is Showit?

Showit is a drag-and-drop website design and hosting platform. It was originally very popular with photographers, and now more and more business owners have begun using it. You can view my full Showit review in comparison to WordPress here.

With its intuitive interface and customizable design, you can whip up a website that’s as visually stunning as a Michelin-starred dish without knowing how to code. It allows you to design pages in a drag-and-drop manner, almost as if you were using Canva to design your site.

It doesn’t have native blogging capabilities, but it does integrate with WordPress for this feature. This means that you also get all of the benefits of WordPress plugins and optimizations when it comes to blogging.

But none of that really matters if it won’t get found, right? So the real question is, is Showit good for SEO?

Is Showit SEO Friendly?

Ah, SEO. The three letters that strike fear into the hearts of many web designers and DIYers. When considering which website platform to use, SEO has to be a consideration if you care about getting search traffic – and Showit has got your back with a slew of SEO features that will help you structure your content properly, tag your pages with meta data, and help you get found in Google.

Showit allows you to customize your page titles, descriptions, and heading tags for each page within the website builder, which is exactly what all of the best SEO plugins on other platforms do, too. And with the ability to add alt tags to images, you can also make sure your pictures are SEO-friendly.

Showit also generates canonical URLs, robots.txt files, and sitemaps for each website, which basically tells search engines, “Hey, I’m organized and legit, so you can trust me!” And by integrating with WordPress, you can also use third-party SEO tools like Yoast on your blog posts.

Our take:

Showit is generally SEO-friendly and does have basic SEO features. But you’re not suddenly going to shoot to the top of Google just because you set your website’s title and meta descriptions. Your overall website strategy still needs to be backed by a strategic traffic growth and SEO plan.

A Rundown of Showit SEO Features

Showit offers several SEO settings that can help users optimize their website for search engines. Here are some of the key SEO settings available in Showit:

  1. Meta data – Page Titles and Descriptions: Showit allows users to customize the page titles and meta descriptions for each page on their website, which are important factors in on-page SEO.

  2. Heading Tags: Showit offers the ability to customize heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) for each page, which can help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of the content on the page.

  3. Alt Tags: Showit allows users to add alt tags to images on their website, which can help improve accessibility and also provide context to search engines about the content of the image.

  4. Canonical URLs: Showit automatically generates canonical URLs for each page, which helps avoid duplicate content issues and consolidates link equity.

  5. Robots.txt and Sitemap: Showit automatically generates a robots.txt file and sitemap for each website, which helps search engines crawl and index the website.

  6. Integration with WordPress for blogging:  Showit integrates with WordPress for its blogging capabilities, which means you can use a plugin like Yoast or Rank Math for your blog posts.

This is a pretty fantastic range of SEO settings that will allow any site owner to ensure their basics are covered, and then some. 

Why It’s Important to Pick an SEO Friendly Website Platform

Choosing the right website platform for SEO is like choosing the right ingredients for a delicious meal. You want to make sure you’re using the best quality ingredients to create a dish that’s both tasty and healthy, just like you want your website to be both visually appealing and SEO-friendly.

If your website can’t get found when people are searching for you, then it doesn’t have much of a purpose. There are only a few website builders that I recommend avoiding for SEO – I will cover them later.


We’ve talked about the importance of choosing the right website platform for SEO, and while we’ve covered some of the features of Showit, there are tons of other platforms out there that may also be worth exploring.

Remember, the key is to choose a platform that will help you achieve your SEO goals and create a website that’s both visually stunning and optimized for search engines. And with so many options out there, you’re bound to find the perfect fit.

By Hannah Martin

Hannah is a long-time SEO expert and website marketing strategist. She has been optimizing websites since 2010, and was previously VP of Operations at an SEO agency before starting her own SEO and web design business in 2016. She has worked with brands like Beyond Yoga, Gerber Childrenswear, Sanctuary Clothing, and dozens of small independent businesses helping them improve their SEO and build websites that work to grow their business. She's a Wordpress geek, Squarespace Circle member, and now shares her knowledge with others at